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Applied Cases
[Private] NKS(NAVER Kubernetes Service)
Project Name
NKS(NAVER Kubernetes Service)
PaaS-TA Coverage
Company/Institution Name
  • Control services to deploy and manage Kubernetes containers quickly and easily
Deployment Content
  • Manage Kubernetes Cluster
    • Minimize Kubernetes cluster setup to reduce deployment and operational uptime
  • Provides an automatic Pod extension for a cluster
    • Auto scale horizontal pods based on CPU utilization or custom metrics, auto scale clusters running per node pool, auto-scale node pools and clusters across multiple node pools based on changing workload requirements
Characteristics of the Configuration
  • Easy Kubernetes Deployment and Management
    • Provides secure communication between worker nodes and managed control areas
    • Quickly provision worker nodes to scale applications
    • Provides on-demand upgrades and patches
  • Compatibility of standard Kubernetes environments
    • Applications managed by Naver's cloud platform with standard Kubernetes compliant services are compatible with applications managed by standard Kubernetes environments
Refer to the image below for the configuration diagram of NKS(NAVER Kubernetes Service).
  • User →
    • → Load Balancer →
      • → Kubernetes Service → Request for Kubernetes Installation →
      • → Kubernetes Service Provisioner → Kubernetes Installation →
      • → Kubernetes Cluster Customer Worker Node
      • → Kubernetes Service → Create Worker Node →
      • → Ncloud Product →
        • Server
        • ACG
        • Load Balancer
      • → Kubernetes Cluster Customer Worker Node←
    • ← Internet Gateway →
    • ← NAT Gateway →
  • → Internet